Fa un salt in cariera
.NET Senior Product Developer
Are you a meticulous developer, but you always had a thing for the products you were working on? We are looking for someone to write excellent code and also to be part of a new team involved in developing our next SaaS HR platform from scratch.
Business Development Manager
This role will be responsible for the new business development of the company. The primary objective of the successful candidate will be to establish plans to develop and expand the clients’ base, according to the company sales strategy. Meeting the sales goals by attracting new clients and maintaining excellent customer relationships with them will be essential for this position.
Payroll Team Leader
Esti pasionat de salarizare & consultanta si ai avut ocazia sa coordonezi o echipa de specialisti in domeniu? Detii abilitati excelente de comunicare si doresti sa lucrezi intr-un mediu de lucru profesionist si dinamic? Atunci, te asteptam in echipa Smartree!
Specialist Salarizare
Ai experienta in domeniul salarizarii si detii abilitati excelente de comunicare? Doresti sa lucrezi intr-un mediu de lucru profesionist, dinamic si sa ti se ofere oportunitati de continua dezvoltare? Atunci, te asteptam in echipa Smartree!