MyStaff Exit Interview
MyStaff Exit Interview
Reporting. Centralization. Efficiency.
It collects the feedback of employees who leave the company, facilitating the analysis of organizational health indicators and allowing the improvement of the retention of current employees.

MyStaff Exit Interview, the functionality that increases your efficiency by up to 80% for this type of activity
Facilitating decision making in the process of retaining employees
Quick access to the calculated indicators regarding the health of the organization and to the departure rate of the employees;
Identification, by quick access, of the reasons for departure extracted from the electronically stored and centralized questionnaires.
MyStaff Exit Interview features and benefits:
- Possibility to define the types of questions and variants of answers desired, in order to have a dynamic and easy to use questionnaire.
- Possibility for the human resources department to obtain information about organizational health indicators;
- Graphic reports generated based on questionnaires completed during exit interviews, which provide useful information about the most common reasons that led to leaving the company.
- Reducing the time allocated to classic exit interviews (printed and distributed questionnaire, centralization of answers, preparation of reports, etc.).
- Automatic activation of the exit interview immediately after the termination of the employment contract. During the notice period, the employee who will leave the company has access to the questionnaire and can complete it from Self Service.