According to a recent study conducted by the research companies Gallup and Dale Carnegie, in the recent years, the employees’ engagement with their daily working activities is at a degree of a maximum 34% in USA, at the highest since 2011, and 16% at a global level. Most of the persons are saying that they are almost completely uninterested in their daily jobs. In Europe the employees’ engagement reaches low levels. Germany is also dealing with such problem, where only 16% of the employees are engaged with what they are performing at work on a daily basis. The rest of 68% are uninterested, which means that they are not putting passion and energy in what they are doing, and 24% are admitting their dissatisfactions. The last ones could have a huge negative influence to their company, and also to the entire German economy, which could lose 95 billion Euros annually due to a lack of productivity, according to the estimations made by Gallup. The conclusion of the research is getting more alarming when amongst persons who have admitted to be less committed with their job duties are those from the Millenials generation – the youths up to 36 year old. On the other hand, the highest rate of commitment (above 38%) could be seen amongst managers and executives. I Regarding the sector of activity, the engagement is at a minimum level amongst the employees who are working in production, while those who are working in transportations and services scored a significant increase of the engagement rate. Therefore, there it is no wondering that the employees’ emotional and functional engagement still remains a priority for the Human Resources departments. According the HR people, there are 3 key-criteria for increasing the employees’ engagement: the relationship with their direct manager, the trust in the abilities of the company’s leaders, and last but not the least, the pride in the projects and activities of their company.
Ce se poate face in acest sens si care sunt exemplele demne de urmat de catre companiile care se confrunta cu aceasta situatie? What could be done in this way and which are the examples that are worth to be followed by companies which are confronting with this situation? According to the human resources specialists, the solutions are numerous, including classical ones which are related to ways of motivating the employees, increasing the benefits of the health programs, celebrating and rewarding the employee’s professional successes, or searching and coming to a balance between the personal and professional life. Other type of solutions are relate to more innovative ones which aim to maintain and increase the feeling of pride in the company and association to a collective that shares the same values. Amongst the most successful strategies in boosting the engagement rate is the concept of gamification, a tool used by multinational companies like Cisco, Deloitte or Walmart. Daca in primele doua cazuri, conceptul a avut ca scop crearea unor echipe puternice, pregatite sa-si indeplineasca sarcinile zilnice, Walmart s-a folosit de acest concept in programele de informare referitoare la protectia muncii. In acest sens, angajatii au primit informatiile necesare intr-o maniera distractiva si familiara, dat fiind faptul ca optiunile de jocuri puse la dispozitie au fost cele de tip „Quiz Show” sau ”Simon Says”. While in the in the case of the first two, the concept had the scope of creating a strong team, capable to accomplish its daily duties, Walmart used this concept in the information programs on employee safety. In this way, the employees have received the required information in a funny and familiar way, as the games provided were „Quiz Show” or ”Simon Says” type. Another successful example is represented by Google, where the concept of gamification was used in persuading its employees to submit their expenditure reports on time. In case they don’t spend the entire amount of money available, the employees have three options: they either can keep the money or save them for future business trips or even they can donate the money to a charitable association. In this way, the employees are motivated to submit their reports on time. The employees’ lack of involvement represents the problem of more than 87% of the HR specialists and business leaders, according to a survey conducted by Deloitte. Although, many companies are preoccupied with this matter, most of them still are incapable of taking measures in order to enhance their organizational culture, fact that could threaten the worldwide economic growth. Sources:,,,,