The situation in which an employee can cumulate several jobs is governed by Article 35 of the Labor Code that provides the right of every employee to work on the basis of cumulative individual employment contracts. For each contract of employment, the employee benefits by a corresponding salary and rights.
Thus, an employee who is not in the situation of incompatibility for cumulative jobs and has at least two individual contracts of employment with the same employer or different employers will be entitled to paid vacation for each contract properly.
Cumulative jobs for different employers
If an employee has individual contracts with different employers, he will specify where the basic function is and where you can get personal deduction if gross income is associated with a contract of maximum 3000 lei.
The law has not, in this case, any limit of normal working hours in case of cumulative jobs.
Cumulative jobs for the same employer
The article 114 of the Labor Code states that “The maximum legal working time cannot exceed 48 hours per week, including overtime.” So, for that two or more individual contracts of employment with the same employer to function according to law, it is necessary to respect the maximum number of hours per day and also the overtime.
Since the Labor Code does not specify the types of individual labor contracts signed with one employee, they may be, as appropriate, with full or partial norm.
In the context of different types of norms and the observance of the maximum number of hours of work may be added either two individual labor contracts with part-time or one full time and one part-time. From the legal point of view, the 8 hours norm can exceed a maximum of 32 hours per month. Each individual labor contract should have clearly defined work program and the time and workload hours that exceed 8 hours per day shall be considered overtime and treated / paid as such.
Like the personal deduction that can be applied only to a labor contract, in case of cumulative functions the employee can receive meal tickets only at the basic function, according to the law.
Both labor contracts at the same employer would be recorded in Revisal and the declaration 112 is made by reporting all amounts to the same NPC.
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