Flexible Benefits, the New Trend in Employee Motivation

The benefits packages are a form of motivation and reward for employees and even more appreciated if the employee can choose his own package. Establishing the policies for benefits is a challenge for the company when trying to build flexible benefits tailored to the real needs of the employees.

MyStaff Flexible Benefits

The companies should consider, when choosing the benefits, the following:

  • Package of benefits offered by similar companies;
  • Total number of employees;
  • Amount value;
  • Fiscal incentives;
  • Categories of employees (sex, age, marital status, position held).

The flexible packages have the advantage of allowing each employee to choose from a wider range for the benefits that are acceptable in relation to their own needs and lifestyle.

Why companies choose flexible benefits?

There are a number of advantages when the employee can choose the benefits by his own:

  • Total cost of benefits is reduced;
  • The employee is thinking about what to choose and be more aware of (and appreciate) the benefits offered by the company;
  • The employee will be satisfied with the benefits that fit him.

The company administrative effort can be quite expensive – formulate and communicate the benefits, record the employees preferences and satisfaction. MyStaff Flexible Benefits module is a cost effective solution, especially when the number of employees exceeds the administrative capabilities of the company.

Flexible Benefits, effective management of the process of employee motivation

The objective of MyStaff Flexible Benefits module is to provide an effective tool for managing the process of motivating employees through benefit packages. Starting from the idea that employees have a great diversity of priorities and needs, Flexible Benefits is helpful in:

  • Manage the types of benefits;
  • Benefits packages management;
  • Manage other compensation / bonuses granted by the company.

The Flexible Benefits module allows transfer to Payroll for effective payroll with predefined selection options:

  • Benefits for which the company should pay taxes and contributions – benefits in kind;
  • Benefits for which no taxes or contributions will be paid;
  • No benefits / taxes – non-transferable.

The Flexible Benefits organization can be in different categories – types of benefits, suppliers, predefined packages, benefits which are chosen together.

The categories of benefits are logically organized so that an employee cannot select the same type of benefit from different providers (e.g. medical insurance from different clinics).

When implementation, the module is customized according to the organization and will define the name of benefits, calculation, expiration date, type, amount (gross or net), value.

How does the choice of flexible benefits works

The HR responsible defines a campaign and selects the benefits that the company can offer.

The characteristics of benefits campaigns in MyStaff Flexible Benefits module:

  • Variable frequency – annual, monthly, quarterly, etc.;
  • Tailored to the types of employees, suppliers or benefits;
  • Unlimited number of campaigns;
  • Filter by features such as type of contract, norm, mark and also employee direct search;
  • Manage both general and per employee campaign;
  • Defining a limited period of selection of benefits.

When the campaign is active, the workers for who it is intended (previously selected) will receive an automatic email for choosing the benefits to which they are entitled. In the MyStaff Employee Self Service module the employee selects the benefits; these are saved and correlated with MyStaff Payroll module when the payroll is made.

The campaign can stop at the deadline or be stopped for all employees or for certain employees at some point before the deadline.

The transfer to Payroll is done by selecting the period, the running campaigns and generating the benefits packets and the related taxes and contributions.

The employee can announce that he wants to change the benefits package. In this case, the HR officer may stop an ongoing campaign just for that employee and reopen another one intended only for him, where he chooses the new benefits. The process of transferring to payroll is resumed for that person with new data. In this way, MyStaff Flexible Benefits module really ensures flexibility for both employers and employees.

For more detalies, please contact us: contact@smartree.com

Phone: +4021.301.90.90

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