The co-insured quality can be obtain only by specific persons, under the updated law of health 95/2006. Also, for a person to get insurance without paying the contribution, he/she must be dependent of an insured person.
The following categories of persons can have the co-insured quality as dependent of a person, under art. 213, Title VIII, Chapter II, Section 1 of the law of health:
- husband, wife and parents without their own income, dependents of an insured person;
Conditions for being co-insured
A person can become co-insuerd if he/she complies two conditions:
- not having their own income;
- dependent of an employee.
Documents required for becoming co-insured
For a person – husband / wife or parent of the employee – to become co-insured, he/she must follow a few steps:
1. To be dependent of an employee. To achieve this position, the following submitted to the employer are required:
- affidavit completed by the employee;
- copies of identity documents for the dependents;
- copies of documents proving the family relationship between the employee and the dependent;
- documents issued by the local tax authorities showing that the person made dependent d doesn’t realize taxable income (from the Financial Administration where he/she belongs with the residence).
2. To submit to the employer the following documents:
- affidavit completed by the employee;
- copy of the identity of the co-insured;
- copy of the document proving the family relationship between the employee and the co-insured;
- documents issued by the territorial fiscal authorities showing that the person does not have any taxable incomes (from the Financial Administration where he/she belongs with the residence);
- an affidavit of the co-insured showing that he/she doesn’t realize equity income.
The co-insurers may not have, in turn, co-insurers, according to Art. 213 para. (1), letter b) of Law 95/2006, as amended and supplemented.
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