New Insured Certificate Model. Documents for Obtaining It

Insured certificateThe new model of CASS insured certificate comes into effect today, September 23, 2014, according to Order 581/2014 approving the Methodological Norms for setting documents on the provided insured quality.

Until the implementation of national social health insurance card, the documents relating to the obtaining the insured quality are, in accordance with Article 1, paragraph (4) of Order 581/2014:

  • The insured certificate issued by the insurance house where the insured is listed;
  • The resulting document by accessing the suppliers in a contractual relationship with the insurance houses of the electronic instrument provided by CNAS, established under ReviSal;
  • Certificate from the employer for the employed persons.

Documents necessary to demonstrate the insured quality

The employees demonstrate its insured quality with the certificate issued by the employer in which it is written that the latter transferred the contribution to the National Unique Health Insurance Fund.

This certificate model was modified, download it here.

The insurance certificate issued by the employer is valid for three months and is issued on the employer’s own responsibility.

The other categories of insured persons prove their quality based on a certificate issued by the Health Insurance House, based on documents expressly required. The changes brought by the Order 581/2014 in this regard relates to:

  • The validity of the certificates issued, depending on the insured;
  • The introduction of a new category of people who will prove the insured quality with the certificate issued by CNAS – PhD students who develop their educational activities under the contract of doctoral studies.

The PhD Students who perform educational activities up to 4-6 hours per week will present the following documents to prove the insured quality provided by the certificate issued by CNAS:

  • The valid ID on request;
  • The contract under which conducts the educational activities;
  • Affidavit of showing that have no income from work or other taxable income;
  • The certificate issued by the institution of higher education stating that the student has the quality of PhD student.

The children under 18 need ID or birth certificate and the insured certificate obtained is valid until the age of 18 years.

The young people between 18 and 26 years need:

  • Identity card;
  • Affidavit that have no income from work;
  • Documents showing that are students or college students – student /college student card or student / college student certificate.

The issued insured certificate is valid for the entire duration of the school / academic year.

The young people aged up to 26 who come from the child protection system will need:

  • ID;
  • Document attesting that were included in the child protection system;
  • Affidavit of showing that have no income from work;
  • Document issued by the city hall of their residence by stating that have no welfare benefits.

The insured certificate issued for them is valid until the age of 26 years.

For the dependents (husband, wife and parents), the following documents are required to have issued the insured certificate:

  • ID;
  • Documents proving the family relationship with the insured person (marriage certificate, birth certificate);
  • Affidavit that do not realize their own income;
  • Affidavit of the insured that has that person as a dependent.

The insured certificate is valid for three months.

The pregnant women or the recently given birth mothers who want the issue of the insured certificate must submit:

  • The identity card;
  • The medical certificate;
  • For the recently given birth mothers, the birth certificate of the child;
  • Affidavit of showing that have no income or proof documents of showing that the monthly incomes are below the minimum national gross salary.

The issued insured certificate will be valid for three months from the date of issue, unlike a year, as it was previously available.

The persons with disabilities who apply for certificates will have to submit the ID, the certificate framing a degree of disability, the affidavit that have no income from employment, pension or other sources than those stipulated by law that they were established this quality. The insured certificate is valid for 3 months from the date of issue, not a year as it was previously.

To obtain the insured certificate, the parents who are on parental leave need the ID and the decision issued by the county work, family and gender equality agencies, namely the Department of Labor, Family and Equal Opportunities Bucharest. The insured certificate will be valid until the closing category in the reporting month.

The pensioners need:

  • The identity card;
  • The post office coupon with the payment rights;
  • The payment coupon by personal current account opened at a bank branch in the previous month or the retirement decision for the situation that have no pension payment;
  • Affidavit that have no taxable income other than those made of pensions.

In case of loss or until the acquiring of these documents, a pensioner can be proved by a certificate issued by the institution paying the pension. The insured certificate is valid until the closing category of the reporting month.

The unemployed get the insured certificate issued by the house if they submit as documents the identity card and / or the unemployment certificate issued by the competent institutions. The certificate is valid until the closing of the category in the reporting month.

The patients with conditions included in the national health programs must submit the following documents:

  • The identity card;
  • The medical certificate issued by the prescriber or the health program coordinator;
  • Affidavit of showing that have no income from employment, pension or other sources.

The insured certificate for this category is valid 3 months from the date of issue.

The people who are in a family that has the right to social assistance must present the ID and the certificate issued by the city hall of their residence of showing that they belong to the category of persons entitled to social assistance. The insured certificate is valid until the closing of the category.

In case of the beneficiaries of the special laws (war veterans, war widows, revolutionaries, persecuted people on political, ethnic or racial criteria), they gain the insured certificate if present:

  • The identity card;
  • Supporting documents that belong to a category of beneficiaries of these laws;
  • Affidavit of showing that they have no other income than those provided by special laws or pensions.

The certificate is valid until the close of the category and previously was valid for a year.

The people returned or expelled or victims of human traffic and who are during necessary procedures for establishing the identity need a certificate issued by institutions under the Internal Affairs and Administrative Reform Ministry. The insured certificate is valid until the closing of the category in the reporting month.

The monastic staff will show the ID and the certificate issued by the cult unit. The received insured certificate is valid until the closing of the category in the reporting month.

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