The Medium Gross Salary in 2016

The medium gross salary for this year was established at 2.681 lei, according to the Law no. 340/2015 regarding the state budget for 2016. Thus, the medium gross earning used for the substantiation of the social security state budget increases by 266 lei comparing with the previous year.

The medium gross salary increases the death grant

The medium gross salary has impact over the value of the death grant, that increases as follows:

  • to 2.681 lei for the insured or the pensioner;
  • to 1.341 lei for a family member of the insured or of the pensioner.

The death grant, within the law 263/2010, can be obtained from the payers of this social insurance right, mutually territorial pension house, if the deceased proponent was a pensioner or from the employer of the deceased insured.

The eligible persons who may benefit for the grant:

  • the surviving spouse;
  • the child;
  • the parent;
  • the custodian;
  • the curator;
  • any other person who proves that sustained the funeral expenses.

The death grant is paid to one person within 24 hours of the request, after the proof of bearing the costs of the funeral.

This grant may be paid by the employer from the 2% social spending fund, but in this case it does not pass through payroll, being exempted from tax and fees. The employer is not obliged to provide this aid from the 2% fund, is up to him where he takes the amount. In this case, there is no mention on the death certificate.

Also, this aid can be granted from the CAS fund, and in this case the it is deducted from the CAS contribution and appears on the statement D112.

In case of death of a person in parental leave, the death grant is paid by the employer if, before entering the leave, the person was insured under Art. 6 para. (1), II or V of Law 263/2010 updated and the work report was suspended.

If the deceased was unemployed or a member of his family, death grant application is submitted to the institution that manages the unemployment insurance fund.

The death grant can be claimed based on supporting documents, in general limitation period (three years), calculated from the date of death.

The increase of the pension point and the CASS calculation

The pension point value is 871.7 lei in 2016. Also, starting this year, the value of a pension point is relevant in the calculation of the health contribution (CASS).

Thus, the monthly calculation base of the CASS is the only income that exceeds the value of a pension point established for that fiscal year, eliminating the limit of 740 lei.

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