The minimum salary was updated on January 1st. How to register in ReviSal?

Minimum salary. How to register in ReviSalThe gross minimum salary guaranteed in payment increased from 800 to 850 lei from 1 January 2014. This amount is paid for a full work of 168 hours per month on average, the hourly remuneration being 5,059 lei.

The employers who pay employees with a minimum base salary guaranteed in payment are required to change their remuneration value to 850 lei and record this change in ReviSal. The employers who set lower salaries than the minimum salary risk fines between 1,000 and 2,000 lei, according to the law.

What documents are needed to be changed in ReviSal?

The mandatory change of the minimum nationwide salary guaranteed in payment will be made on the basis of an addendum, introduced to and signed by the employee prior. As with any other salary increase, the correct procedure is to use the existence of an addendum to the labor contract.

The addendum and the recording of it in ReviSal have to be made within a maximum of 19 working days from the date when the addendum takes effect, 29 January 2014.

Even if the Article 17, par. 3, letter. k and par. 5 states that any change in basic salary “requires signing an addendum to the contract (…), except where such change is expressly provided by law”, operating ReviSal changes must be made by documentary evidence.

Drawing a collective decision to increase the salary in the case of a larger number of employees raises privacy issues.

Moreover, in practice, such an addendum becomes necessary for the employee must acknowledge the changes that have occurred on the contractual elements and to prove their existence (i.e. income statement).

See also the cost of the employer after the change of the minimum salary.

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