What Jobs will Be in Great Demand in Romania in the Next Decade?

HR Insider, XV edition

Jobs - HR Insider, XV editionEngineers, programmers, accountants, doctors, teachers or workers in agriculture and industry will be jobs in great demand in the next decade – it was one of the conclusions of the fifteenth edition of HR Insider debates, monthly meetings organized by ZF Corporate, the online payment news service of ZF.

Doctors and support staff in this sector will continue to be sought more than a decade, as the population grows older and will be an acute need in this area, especially in the private services sector, Romania is already a medical center that attracts patients worldwide. Also, engineers and employees specializing in IT will be in great demand in the future”, said Monica Spiteri, Business Development Director in the company of outsourcing HR services Smartree. She was present at the discussions of Friday, in the fifteenth edition of HR Insider organized on the theme “What are the departments, industries and cities with the best prospects for salary increase in 2015?”.

In the top jobs that will be in high demand over the next decade will be also those that require specialization in traditional trades.

“I am convinced that a mechanic, a seamstress or a doctor will find a job in the future. I think we should start talking more and more about jobs in agriculture, to have in here new initiatives such as in Italy and eat food produced from up to 30 km away from home”, said Crina Ilie, recruitment and training manager in Genpact.

Read the original article on the online edition of ZF.

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Monica Spiteri, Development Director Smartree Romania, at ZF Live

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