According to Emergency Ordinance No. 99/2020, published in the Official Gazette, Part I No. 551 on June 25, 2020, the suspension period for enforced collections is extended until October 25, 2020, inclusive.
The above article strictly refers to budgetary claims as the object of fiscal enforced collections, with the exception of enforced collections applied for the recovery of budgetary claims established by court decisions in criminal matters.
Budgetary claims, according to the Fiscal Procedure Code, are those claims that entitle the collection of any amount due to the consolidated general budget, representing the main budgetary claim and the ancillary budgetary claim: taxes, contributions, fines, and other budgetary revenues, as well as their accessories.
The measures for suspending enforced collections by garnishment on traceable amounts representing income and available funds are applied by credit institutions or third-party garnishees automatically by law, without any additional formalities from the tax authorities.