According to a study conducted by Truth Central and McCann Worldgroup Europe & UK, 90% of Europeans believe that organizational leaders should demonstrate the same level of responsibility toward society as political leaders.
The study reveals that the success of organizations, which are currently being closely monitored in European countries, largely depends on their behavior.
Cooperation: The Key to Business Success
In addition to responsibility, cooperation is also an important factor for an organization’s success. Thus, 83% of Europeans believe that future business success will depend more on cooperation rather than competition.
According to the same study, 3 out of 4 Europeans think that brands and companies should play a more significant role in maintaining a united Europe.
2 out of 5 Company Directors Consider Leaving Europe for a Better Life
Forty percent of company directors in Europe believe they will need to leave the region in the future for a better life. Overall, 1 in 3 Europeans have considered this possibility.
The highest percentage of those considering leaving Europe in the future is among minorities – 48%.
Additionally, many from Generation Z – 43% – are willing to leave Europe in the coming years.
Europeans See Europe as a Region Lacking Leaders
When asked to choose a personality who could best represent the region, 6 out of 10 Europeans selected historical figures like Napoleon Bonaparte, Queen Elizabeth II, or Leonardo da Vinci. The list of responses also included contemporary figures such as Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron.
It is not surprising that many Europeans feel they cannot be represented by contemporary public figures since 54% believe Europe’s golden age is long gone.
However, 46% of Europeans believe that Europe is either currently in a golden age or that it will soon arrive. Among these optimists are Romanians.
How Europeans Perceive Their Own Countries
While residents of countries like Luxembourg, Portugal, Italy, Spain, Ireland, Finland, Denmark, and Belgium believe their countries will be models to follow in the future, those from countries such as France, the United Kingdom, and Turkey foresee their nations as world leaders. In contrast, the majority of Romanians think Romania will play the role of a victim.
Investments in Innovation Should Become a Priority for European Countries
According to the study, Europeans hope that in the future, Europe will be an example to other regions regarding human rights. People in the region also want European countries to prioritize healthcare, education, democracy, science, and technology.
At the same time, 1 in 3 Europeans believe that European countries should invest more resources in research and innovation, with Spaniards (42%) and Italians (39%) leading the group that sees this as a priority.
The study was conducted by Truth Central and McCann Worldgroup Europe & UK, based on no fewer than 27,000 interviews and predictions obtained from 62 company directors, academics, and journalists.