A workforce that has the necessary occupations, knowledge and expertise is essential for any organization that targets high levels of performance. In a more and more competitive business environment, the need for learning and training have never been more important than nowadays. As the staff is, or it should be, the first „warrior” in the struggle that the company they work for lead every day with competition, managers should know that in 2017, training of employees is more important than ever. Employees must have the necessary skills to lead their brand to success. A big issue that organizations are facing, especially in times of recession, is the cut of budgets they wrongly do, among the first ones being those dedicated to trainings. Although this is a short-term solution (apparently good), in time this could lead to serious consequences. Thriving organizations, regardless of the outside conditions, are based on people they have to be motivated and involved. Talent. You are born with it, but you also grow it Training can greatly increase employee engagement by cultivating their inclinations, helping them to learn new things and improve their performance. Most of them wish to feel that they do a good job and that their role is important in the organization. Thus, companies that invest in staff training and development are more favorably viewed by employees than those who do not do so. Although training and development have a significant impact on employees, they also must see and understand their benefits from it and be proactive. This is the turning point, in which the good intentions of employers fail. More than 58% of Millenials are expecting that employers provide them learning opportunities relevant to the jobs they are performing, reveals a study from EdAssist. Although there are still employers who fail to hire talents in favor of the less qualified people with lower financial claims, forgetting to maintain competitiveness, visionary leaders are beginning to realize the importance of making learning an essential part of their corporate culture. Those who adopt this philosophy, trying to turn the process of learning in something easy to make and interactive. By 2020, studies say that corporate e-learning market will reach 31 billion dollars. In 2017, change requires new approaches If we consider the impact of the digital transformation on the mode that businesses are working, we should not be surprised that learning at work no longer means rapid and isolated courses to employees. The trend is that learning take place together, involving all generations of employees, so that each of them could learn from the strengths and expertise of others. Technology has played, is playing and will play an essential role in redefining learning at the workplace. The emergence and development of cloud-based learning platforms, supported streaming video, mobile and gamification, indicate the orientation towards self-directed learning. Even if they are in the real world, people now teaches and learns seminars on YouTube for example, with the possibility that the content could be accessed at any time. 2017 means automatic learning. How can it be planned and managed the professional development of employees When you have hundreds or even thousands of employees, it is difficult to manage all their training processes and adapt them to the needs that they have. In the help of those who are responsible for HR, Smartree has been developed MyStaff Training software module, through which training processes can be controlled, measured and monitored in real time. However, this automation helps you to manage more effectively employee trainings and allocated budgets. Through MyStaff Training, the curriculum for learning and development can be defined by listing all the courses, can automate their necessary logistics, such as the locations, trainers and methods of evaluation. At the same time, for each employee can be assigned acquired skills and certifications. Meanwhile, the HR Manager receives reports and specific indicators to streamline data analysis at management level. Is learning a luxury? Some leaders consider it, although they complain that it is increasingly difficult to find and keep talents. As we said, adding learning initiatives can act as a catalyst for greater involvement of employees and to make a difference. If we take a look at the last year’s Deloitte Human Capital Global Trends study, we could see that learning in companies is increasingly prioritized. Thus, 84% of surveyed executives realize the importance of them. The process of learning in organizations is often about taking the employees in a journey through the company departments, in many role changes. A journey like this, combined with personalized feedback, supports the growth of the employees. As a conclusion, because employers are still learning how to teach their employees, one of the “resolutions” for 2017 should be that learning on the job can not be an offline process from the sidelines. This must be closely related to employees experience, personalized in the context of the role that they have in the company, the direction in which managers want them to grow. Implemented effectively, permanent learning at the workplace will not only keep employees “connected” and motivated. They will also feel valued for their contribution to the organization and they will understand that the company supports them to become their best version. People developing is essential in order to have an involved workforce in achieving success in business!