The procedure for implementing a payroll software requires, above all, a very careful analysis of your business needs. The information about the specific of HR processes in the company should be given to the provider for that you can receive a custom quote.
There are several questions that need to be prepared to answer or to know how to find the answers for the implementation process to unfold naturally and easily for all those involved.
Possible questions from payroll software provider before starting the implementation:
Elements of payroll:
- The organizational structure of the company – if there are multiple branches, workstations etc;
- What types of contracts have the employees – normal / limited time, contract management, expats etc.;
- The working conditions – normal / special / outstanding;
- The work schedule – 8:00 office, turns etc.;
- How the employees are paid – payroll or payroll by agreement;
- Types of bonuses;
- Payment for overtime / night work / any premium or penalty;
- The frequency of wage payment.
Deliverables and reports:
- Advance deliverables;
- Deliverables in the area of personnel administration: addenda, termination decisions, employment contracts etc.;
- Pay slips;
- Reporting to the National Institute of Statistics;
- File for meal tickets;
- Other specific reports, depending on your needs.
Historical data to initialize the payroll software implementation:
- Employee data;
- Sick leave calculating history (in the last 12 months);
- Annual leave calculating history;
- The form of the history data – client or provider file.
Data on the monthly provided service:
- The way in which the variables data are collected – attendance, leaves, personnel changes, etc.;
- The introduction and centralize of data will be made by the customer or by the payroll software provider;
- Fiscal statement submission, D205 and statistical reports.
Collection and approving timesheets:
- Who records and approves timesheets;
- The way timekeeping data is currently collecting;
- How to register timesheets etc.
All these issues are relevant to creating a custom offer and, especially, because the implementation process easily proceeds.
A payroll software interacts with many elements of HR and the provider must know in detail the specifics of the business, so these answers are very important.
Want to learn more about implementing a payroll software? Contact us!
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