There are special family events in the life of every employee who needs time off from work. The Labor Code, republished in 2011, grants paid days off not included in the duration of the annual leave.
For the private sector, the law stipulates what are the special family events and the number of days off that can be taken in each case, by the applicable collective labor contract or the internal regulations.
In the period 2007 – 2010, the National Collective Labor Agreement included provisions related to paid days off that employers must pay to the employees. The paid days off were granted in the following situations:
- the employee’s marriage – 5 days;
- the marriage of a child – 2 days;
- the birth of a child – 5 days + 10 days if the father has followed a course of infant care;
- the death of the husband/wife, children, parents, parents-in-law – 3 days;
- the death of grandparents, brothers, sisters – one day;
- for blood donors – according to law;
- to change jobs within the same company, relocating to another location – 5 days.
At this time, the National Collective Labor Agreement is no longer in force, as was denounced. A new National Collective Labor Agreement for the period 2011 – 2014 has not been registered at the Labor Ministry, because, after the entry into force of the Social Dialogue Law, a Collective Contract was no longer negotiated.
In these conditions, in the private sector, these special events can be included in:
- The internal rules of the company;
- The collective labor contract at the unit level;
- The collective agreement at branch level.
For the public sector, the special family events are covered in GD. 250/1992. Thus, the employees in this sector are entitled to days off paid by the employer for the following events:
- The employee’s marriage – 5 days;
- The birth or the marriage of a child – 3 days;
- The death of a spouse or relatives up to the second degree of the employee – 3 days.
Article published in Romania libera. Read the original article here.
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